9. Other shape functions

9.1. replicate

This is a function to create a higher dimensional dataset by replicating along an additional axis. For example, a d2d which is essentially a 2D array of intensity, can be replicated to make a d3d (a 3D array of intensity) where the extra dimension is made up of the original “stacked” atop copies of itself in that direction. Likewise, a d4d might be made up of “stacked” copies of a d3d.

In Matlab syntax this means e.g.

oldmat = [1 2; 3 4];
newmat(:,:,1) = oldmat;
newmat(:,:,2) = oldmat;

The actual syntax for replicate does not construct the layers individually. Instead, a reference object of the required dimensionality (wref_3d below) is supplied to act as a template.

w_3d = replicate(w_nd, wref_3d);


w_4d = replicate(w_nd, wref_4d);


wref can be either a dnd or an sqw type object.


w_nd may be of any dimensionality less than that of wref


w_nd must be dnd and not sqw, replicate on an sqw object simply returns its representative dnd replicated.


This function cannot be applied to a 4-dimensional object, attempting to replicate a 4-d object will result in an error.

9.2. compact

Trim empty bins from around the border of a dnd.

The resulting object has its ranges redefined such that all primary axis dimensions are the minimum required to contain all data without losses.

wout = compact(win);


For example,

Suppose we have a 2-dimensional dataset where the axes are p{1} = [-4.5:1:4.5] and p{2} = [-4.5:1:4.5]. The intensity would be given by a 10x10 matrix. Suppose there is only non-zero intensity for -3 < p{1} < 3 and -3 < p{2} < 3. In this case compact would reduce the size of the intensity matrix, to be [-2.5:1:2.5], [-2.5:1:2.5] (6x6).

9.3. permute

Function to permute the order of the display (binning) axes in an object.

wout = permute(win[, permutation]);

Permutation is an nx1 array for n-dimensional objects specifying the new order of each axis. If no permutation is provided, the function will cyclically permute the axes by one (e.g. 1->2, 2->3, 3->4, 4->1).


wout = permute(w_3d, [3 2 1]);

makes the new 1st axis the old 3rd, and the new 3rd axis the old 1st.


This function only changes the order of the axes for display. All other information, including the projection axes, are unchanged.

9.4. cut

Produce a rebinned dataset from a starting dataset. See cut for more details.

wout = cut(win, ax_1, ax_2, ...);

where ax_1 etc. take the form:

  • [lo, hi] for integration between two limits

  • [lo, step, hi] for a plot axis between given limits with a given step size

  • [step] for a plot axis taking the existing lo and hi and rebinning to a given step size,

  • [] for leaving the limits and step size of an axis unchanged.


For dnd objects, it is only possible to cut to the same or lower dimensionality. This is because they do not contain the underlying pixel information with which to rebin the data.

For example, for a d3d starting dataset you can get to a d2d, d1d, or d0d. The lower dimensional dataset is created by taking the average over a given integration range from the original dataset.


For example:

wout = cut(w_3d, [-0.2, 0.2], [0.9, 1.1], []);

takes the input d3d object w_3d and averages the signal between the limits -0.2 and +0.2 for the 1st axis, and between 0.9 and 1.1 for the second axis. The resultant wout is thus a d1d.

9.5. section

Takes a cut from an n-dimensional object without rebinning.

wout=section(win, [ax1_lo, ax1_hi], [ax2_lo, ax2_hi], ...)


Only bin centres within the limits of lo, hi will be captured.


The difference between section and cut is that section does not have to rebin data as the selected data are taken from the original’s bins. This means that section is much faster for cases where bins are not changing.

This does, however, mean that it is impossible to reshape or resize bins as part of a section operation.

win is the input dnd or sqw object, and the vectors [ax_lo, ax_hi] specify the lower and upper limits on each axis to retain.


If just a zero is specified, e.g.

wout = section(win, [1, 2], 0, [3, 4])

then the existing limits are retained. So for the above 3-dimensional example data along the first axis between 1 and 2 are retained, and data between 3 and 4 on the 3rd axis are retained, and all of the data along the second axis are retained.

9.6. smooth

A function that can be used on dnd objects smooths the data win by convolving it with a windowing function.


This function is not implemented for sqw objects where it would make very little sense.

wout = smooth(win[, width_vector][, function])


wout = smooth(win, 3, 'gaussian')


This function is will do nothing if applied to d0d objects where it is functionally meaningless.


The default width_vector if not supplied is 3 for all dimensions.

The vector [width_vector] is an nx1 array for a n-dimensional object and gives the width of the convolution along each axis in terms of the number of bins. Alternatively you can supply a 1x1 (scalar) array, in which case the same width will be used for all axes. You can also choose with what function the data are convoluted.

function may be either either 'hat' or 'gaussian' to apply the respective windowing function.

9.7. mask

Apply a mask to points in an n-dimensional dataset win.

wout = mask(win, mask_array)

The points to mask are defined by mask_array, an array of the same size as the plot axes of win, consisting of booleans where data are to be retained (true) or masked (false) respectively.


In a dnd The masked out bins have their intensity (s) set to NaN, errorbar (e) set to zero and npix set to zero.

In an sqw the masked pixels are filtered from the data as though cut and the corresponding dnd will reflect this.

9.8. mask_points

A function to generate a suitable mask array (see above) for an n-dimensional dataset.

sel = mask_points(win[, 'keep', xkeep][, 'remove', xremove][, 'mask',

The inputs are:

  • win is the input sqw dataset

  • xkeep is the range of display axes to keep, e.g. [x1_lo, x1_hi, x2_lo, x2_hi, ..., xn_lo, xn_hi], where n is the dimensionality of win.


    For a given dimensionality of sqw object, you must provide ranges for all the specified dimensions.


    % Select the points between 50 and 70 in the first display dimension
    sel = mask_points(win_1d, 'keep', [50,70]);
    % select the points in the rectangle defined by the corners
    % (1, 130), (2, 160)
    sel = mask_points(win_2d, 'keep', [1,2,130,160]);


    More than one range can be specified for each dimension by writing [range_1; range_2;...], where each range_n has the form of an xkeep specification, e.g.

    % Select the points in the rectangles defined by the corners
    % (1, 130), (2, 160) and (5, 110), (7, 130)
    sel = mask_points(win_2d, 'keep', [1, 2, 130, 160; ...
                                       5, 7, 110, 130]);
  • xremove is the range of display axes to remove. Follows the same format as xkeep.


It should be noted that masking through the xkeep and xremove arguments will mask data based on the bin-centres and not through any intersection of any bin-edges. This means that for a 1-D case where:

bins = [1 2 3 4] % <- Defines bin-centres at: [1.5, 2.5, 3.5]
mask_points(w, 'keep', [1.7, 3.51])

will remove the first bin because even though 1.7 lies within the first bin, the range does not contain the bin-centre. 3.51, however, just barely captures the last bin and so this will not be removed.

  • mask_array is an array of booleans with the same number of elements as win, with corresponding true to keep and false to remove.


    The shape of mask_array should match the complete stored pixel data, not the bins as presented on the plotting axes.


Should more than one of 'keep', 'remove' or 'mask' be specified, for any given point, all options agree to keep the point for that point to be kept.

That is:

% Here, keep and remove are arrays of logicals
% of the same shape as `win`'s data constructed
% from the ranges specified in `xkeep` and `xremove`

sel = keep & ~remove & mask;


Any unspecified keywords ('keep', 'remove' or 'mask') are considered to be keep for all points

The outputs are:

  • sel mask array of the required size, accounting for all of the input requirements.

9.9. mask_runs

Remove all pixels from one or more runs from an sqw object. Useful, for example if one run from many in an sqw file is deemed to be spurious (e.g. detector noise, unknown sample orientation, etc.)

wout = mask_runs (win, runno)

The inputs are:

  • win is the sqw object to be masked.

  • runno is the run number, or array of run numbers, in the sqw object to be masked.


The run number runno here is not the experimental run number, but is the position of the file in the list when the .sqw file was generated. This value can be determined by inspecting win.header

The output is:

  • wout, the output sqw object with mask applied