18. Changing Horace settings

The Horace tools use a number of configuration files to manage global settings. This document seeks to outline the various settings contained in these configurations.

To change one of the settings, type, for example;

set(hor_config, 'mem_chunk_size', 500000);


hc = hor_config;
hc.mem_chunk_size = 500000;

All configurations have the following settings:

class_name: 'parallel_config'
saveable: 1
returns_defaults: 0
config_folder: '/home/jacob/.matlab/mprogs_config'
  • class_name: is the name of the current configuration.

  • saveable: Sets whether any changes to the config will be written to file and restored on next Matlab session.

  • returns_defaults: Ignore any user changes and return default configurations and settings.

  • config_folder: Folder where configurations are stored for reloading for new Matlab sessions.

18.1. Horace Config

The Horace config (hor_config) manages configuration features of the Horace library functions, such as how functions handle NaN and inf, the verbosity of the code and whether to use compiled C++ accelerator codes. It also contains references to the hpc_config to manage high-performance functionality.

hor_config with properties:

         mem_chunk_size: 10000000
        fb_scale_factor: 3
             ignore_nan: 1
             ignore_inf: 0
              log_level: 1
                use_mex: 1
             delete_tmp: 1
      working_directory: '/tmp/'
   force_mex_if_use_mex: 0
  high_perf_config_info: [1x1 hpc_config]
             class_name: 'hor_config'
               saveable: 1
       returns_defaults: 0
          config_folder: '/home/jacob/.matlab/mprogs_config'
  • mem_chunk_size : (Advanced) The volume (in pixels) that are read into memory at a time during cuts.

  • fb_scale_factor : (Advanced) Number of “pages” (of mem_chunk_size) in an sqw to memory-back before falling back to file-backed.

  • ignore_nan : Whether binning treats NaN as a value or simply filters the values before computing the new bins.

  • ignore_inf : Whether binning treats inf as a value or simply filters the values before computing the new bins.

  • log_level : How verbose the code should be:

    • -1 : No output is produced.

    • 0 : Major notifications are printed.

    • 1 : Minor notifications are printed.

    • 2 : Runs are timed and this information is printed too.

  • use_mex : Whether to use compiled C++ accelerator MEX code to speed up key Horace operations.

  • force_mex_if_use_mex : (Advanced) If MEX fails for whatever reason, fail the calculation instead of falling back to Matlab code.

  • delete_tmp : Whether to automatically delete temporary files after generating SQW files.

  • working_directory : The directory to which temporary files are written

  • high_perf_config_info : Reference to the HPC configuration (see below)

18.2. HPC Config

The HPC config contains information relating to using high-performance (MEX and parallel) code. It also contains references to several higher level features of the parallel_config as well as a direct reference to the config itself.

hpc_config with properties:

    build_sqw_in_parallel: 0
        combine_sqw_using: 'matlab'
      combine_sqw_options: {'matlab'  'mex_code'  'mpi_code'}
  mex_combine_thread_mode: 0
  mex_combine_buffer_size: 65536
        parallel_multifit: 0
  parallel_workers_number: 2
         parallel_cluster: 'herbert'
   parallel_configuration: [1x1 parallel_config]
              hpc_options: {1x5 cell}
               class_name: 'hpc_config'
                 saveable: 1
         returns_defaults: 0
            config_folder: '/home/jacob/.matlab/mprogs_config'
  • build_sqw_in_parallel : Whether to use parallel algorithms to generate and combine SQW objects

  • combine_sqw_using : Determines the algorithm to use for SQW combination

    • matlab : this mode uses Matlab code to combine files. Slowest but most reliable method.

    • mex_code : Uses multi-threaded compiled C++ MEX code to combine files. MEX code needs to be compiled to use.

    • mpi_code : (Experimental) Uses the MPI Framework to combine files. Needs parallel_config set up

  • combine_sqw_options : List of the possible options above

  • mex_combine_thread_mode : Threading mode for when build_sqw_in_parallel is enabled.

    • 0 : one thread reads tmp files and another writes combined information into the target file

    • 1 : one thread writes combined sqw file and two threads are launched for each contributing file to read necessary information.

  • mex_combine_buffer_size: size of buffer in bytes used by MEX code while combining files per each file.

  • parallel_multifit: Enable fitting computation in parallel using the MPI Framework. Needs parallel_config set up.

  • hpc_options : List of these options for use in internal functions.

Mirrors of parallel_config variables for access, see parallel_config for more info. - parallel_workers_number - parallel_cluster - parallel_configuration

18.3. Parallel Config

The parallel_config contains information relating to how the parallel cluster is set up along with threading.

parallel_config with properties:

                   worker: 'worker_v4'
              is_compiled: 0
         parallel_cluster: 'herbert'
           cluster_config: 'local'
  parallel_workers_number: 2
      is_auto_par_threads: 0
                  threads: 8
              par_threads: 4
           known_clusters: {1x5 cell}
      known_clust_configs: {'local'}
   shared_folder_on_local: ''
  shared_folder_on_remote: ''
        working_directory: '/tmp/'
         wkdir_is_default: 1
         external_mpiexec: ''
           slurm_commands: [0x1 containers.Map]
                  n_cores: 8
               class_name: 'parallel_config'
                 saveable: 1
         returns_defaults: 0
            config_folder: '/home/jacob/.matlab/mprogs_config'
  • worker: (Advanced) Parallel worker script to run on instantiating parallel jobs.

  • is_compiled: (Advanced) Whether the above script is a compiled script or a raw matlab script.

  • parallel_cluster: Method of parallelism to employ options are:

    • herbert : Poor man’s MPI cluster, single node only. Launches separate Matlab sessions using Java Launcher. The sessions exchange information between each other using file-based messages (.mat files), so this cluster is not suitable for any tasks, demanding heavy interprocess communications.

    • parpool : Uses Matlab parallel computing toolbox to run parallel jobs. Refer to the parallel toolbox user’s manual for the description of such clusters.

    • mpiexec_mpi : Uses C++ wrapped MPI libraries and mpiexec to run parallel jobs. MEX code needs to be compiled to use.

    • slurm_mpi : Uses C++ wrapped MPI libraries and submits job to Slurm job queues. MEX code needs to be compiled to use.

  • cluster_config : The configuration class describing parallel cluster, defined for each cluster (see Running Horace in Parallel).

  • parallel_workers_number : Number of parallel jobs to spawn for workers.

  • is_auto_par_threads : Used in internal functions to determine whether par_threads has been manually set.

  • threads : Number of threads to run C++ threaded jobs with.

  • par_threads : Number of threads to run spawned parallel jobs with.

  • known_clusters : List of available options for parallel_cluster

  • known_clust_configs : List of available options for cluster_config

  • shared_folder_on_local : Folder for file-based messaging for local machine

  • shared_folder_on_remote : Folder for file-based messaging for remote machine (if different)

  • working_directory : Folder where temporary files are written

  • wkdir_is_default : Whether or not the working_directory has been manually assigned

  • external_mpiexec : Path to mpiexec or mpirun program if not default (internal)

  • slurm_commands : Extra command line arguments to be added to Slurm submission jobs (if parallel_cluster `` is ``slurm_mpi)

  • n_cores : Quick readout of Matlab’s estimate of number of cores on local machine.