16. Tobyfit
16.1. Introduction
The purpose of Tobyfit is to enable you to fit parameters to Horace datasets taking into account the broadening of the data arising from the resolution of the instrument. Even if the excitations in your sample were infinitely long-lives you would have non-zero broadening in energy and wave vector arising from numerous contributions.
The spread of energies arise from:
the non-zero width in the moderator pulse;
the non-zero pulse width from the Fermi or disk choppers;
the different flight-times for the neutrons due to different distances that neutrons travel depending on the point of emission from the moderator, point of scattering in the sample and point of absorption in the detector.
The spread of wavevector arises from:
spread of angle of the incident neutrons at the sample from the non-zero width of the moderator;
the non-zero size of the sample;
a spread of scattering angles into a given detector element because of the non-zero size of the detector element.
Resolution effects can be quite considerable. Not only do they result in an increase in the energy width of peaks (thereby giving an illusory shorter lifetime of the excitations), they can also shift the positions of peaks depending on, for example, the curvature of dispersion relation within the resolution function. This can result in incorrect values of exchange constants being extracted from the data is resolution is ignored.
Tobyfit uses the multifit fitting interface to enable you fit your data to a model for \(S(\mathbf{Q}, \omega)\) together with background functions.
By default the \(S(\mathbf{Q}, \omega)\) model is global to all of the datasets you pass to Tobyfit, i.e. a single model that applies with the same parameter values to all datasets, with independent background functions for each of the datasets.
However, see background functions for more info.
Tobyfit operates just like multifit_sqw, with the same set of capabilities: controlling parameter setting, binding, etc. that all other multifit variants have. The difference is that Tobyfit uses instrument information in the sqw objects to convolve the \(S(\mathbf{Q}, \omega)\) model(s) with the instrument resolution function using a Monte Carlo multi-dimensional integration, and provides some additional methods to control how the convolution is carried out.
The background functions are not convoluted with the resolution function - the assumption is that they are simply empirical functions such as linear background models and so resolution function convolution makes little sense.
This also means that instrument information must be included in the sqw
object. At present, this is done using the <inst>_instrument
functions which
are defined for the three ISIS spectrometers LET, MAPS and MERLIN. In future,
this information will be included when the sqw
file is constructed by
if the input files contain suitable information.
16.2. Performing resolution convolution
16.2.1. Setting the sample and instrument information
The first thing you need to do is provide the sample and instrument information
to your datasets. For samples, you can do this by creating a sample object; there is an
object class called IX_sample
which does this
An example invocation is:
my_sample = IX_sample(true,[1,0,0],[0,1,0],'cuboid',[0.03,0.03,0.04])
doc IX_sample
for more information.
Next you must create an instrument description. Horace provides functions for several ISIS chopper spectrometers to do this.
For example, for the MAPS spectrometer you can use:
instru = maps_instrument(ei, frequency, chopper_type)
: incident energy (meV)frequency
: frequency of the Fermi chopperchopper_type
: character that indicates the chopper type (in the case of MAPS this is ‘A’ , ‘B’ or ‘S’ for the sloppy chopper)
The functions for the other spectrometers are merlin_instrument
, and let_instrument
Now you need to associate this information with the cuts you wish to fit with Tobyfit.
Tobyfit will only fit sqw objects, because the information of each pixel is needed to
perform the resolution convolution. This information is removed when you
create cuts of type d1d
, d2d
, etc.
If you have already created the cuts (here my_cuts
) then you do the
my_cuts = set_sample(my_cuts, my_sample)
my_cuts = set_instrument(my_cuts, instru)
Note that these functions will operate on arrays of sqw
objects, so you do not
need to write for
Alternatively, you can attach the information to the .sqw
file (here
) from which you are going to make the cuts:
set_sample_horace(my_sqw_file, my_sample)
set_instrument_horace(my_sqw_file, instru)
The advantage of doing this is that every cut you take from the .sqw
will have the sample and instrument information.
16.2.2. Fitting data
Once you have set the sample and instrument you can start fitting your data.
To start, you need to create a fitting object, which in the following
example we’ll give the name tf
tf = tobyfit(my_cuts)
Now you have created this object, the procedure is just the same as for the
various other flavours of multifit
, and specifically the form of the fitting
functions is the same as multifit_sqw
See multifit for general information about how to create a fit, and multifit_sqw for the form of the function that models \(S(\mathbf{Q}, \omega)\).
For complete documentation use the Matlab help by typing doc sqw/tobyfit
navigate the links to the various methods for setting functions, parameters,
fixed/free parameters and bindings between parameters.
In addition to all of the methods for setting up and performing a fit, there are
a few that are specific to Tobyfit (and which are documented in full in the
Matlab documentation at doc sqw/tobyfit
). The most important are outlined
There is also the possibility to refine the crystal orientation and the moderator lineshape. Controlling number of Monte Carlo points
The number of Monte Carlo points governs the number of samples per pixel for the calculation of the resolution at the point of hitting the detectors.
Tobyfit takes a long time to run, and so for very large datasets it can be useful to reduce this number for speed, and due to the number of pixels contributing to any given region the theory is that the error will be reduced by the total number of samples (as a factor of the pixels).
tf = tobyfit(my_data)
tf = tf.set_mc_points(10)
and to enquire of the current values
The default is 10
. This is a good starting value. Controlling which contributions to include in the resolution function
There are a number of contributions to the resolution function.
As an example:
tf = tobyfit(my_data)
% excludes the contribution from the moderator
tf = tf.set_mc_contributions('nomoderator')
To control the other contributions navigate the Matlab help doc
To enquire of the current values: