Horace Manual
- 1. Planning a Horace scan
- 2. Generating SQW files
- 3. Data diagnostics
- 4. Correcting for sample misalignment
- 4.1. Step 1 - determining the true Bragg peak positions
- 4.2. Option 1 : apply the correction to an existing sqw file
- 4.3. Option 2 : calculate goniometer offsets for regeneration of sqw file(s)
- 4.4. Option 2a (for use with e.g. Mslice): calculate the true u and v for your misaligned crystal
- 4.5. bragg_positions
- 4.6. bragg_positions_view
- 4.7. crystal_pars_correct
- 4.8. refine_crystal
- 4.9. ubmatrix
- 4.10. uv_correct
- 4.11. rlu_corr_to_lattice
- 5. Cutting data of interest from SQW files and objects
- 6. Special
information from sqw objects and files - 7. Loading
objects to memory - 8. Saving sqw objects from memory and creating filebacked objects
- 9. Other shape functions
- 10. Symmetry Operations
- 11. Unary operations
- 12. Binary operations
- 13. Plotting
- 13.1. plot
- 13.2. smooth
- 13.3. Colour of lines and markers
- 13.4. Line style
- 13.5. Marker style
- 13.6. Axes Limits
- 13.7. Cursor
- 13.8. Keeping plots
- 13.9. dd (draw data)
- 13.10. dl (draw line)
- 13.11. dm (draw markers)
- 13.12. dp (draw points)
- 13.13. de (draw errors)
- 13.14. dh (draw histogram)
- 13.15. pd (plot data)
- 13.16. pl (plot line)
- 13.17. pm (plot markers)
- 13.18. pp (plot points)
- 13.19. pe (plot errors)
- 13.20. ph (plot histogram)
- 13.21. ploc (plot line over current)
- 13.22. pdoc (plot data over current)
- 13.23. pmoc (plot markers over current)
- 13.24. ppoc (plot points over current)
- 13.25. peoc (plot errors over current)
- 13.26. phoc
- 13.27. da (draw area)
- 13.28. ds (draw surface)
- 13.29. ds2 (draw surface from 2 sources)
- 13.30. pa (plot area)
- 13.31. ps (plot surface)
- 13.32. ps2 (plot surface from 2 objects)
- 13.33. spaghetti_plot
- 13.34. sliceomatic
- 13.35. sliceomatic_overview
- 14. Simulation
- 15. Multifit
- 16. Tobyfit
- 17. Running Horace in Parallel
- 18. Changing Horace settings