Script for making cuts and plottingΒΆ

%Make different kinds of cuts and slices, and make basic plots of them

%First define the viewing axes that you wish to use. These do not need to have any particular relation to the
%spectrometer axes
proj.u=[1,1,0]; proj.v=[-1,1,0]; proj.uoffset=[0,0,0,0]; proj.type='rrr';
proj2.u=[1,0,0]; proj2.v=[0,1,0]; proj2.uoffset=[0,0,0,0]; proj2.type='rrr';
proj3.u=[1,1,1]; proj3.v=[-1,1,0]; proj3.uoffset=[0,0,0,0]; proj3.type='rrr';

%The u and v fields of proj define the first two viewing axes, and the third Q dimension is the cross-product
%of them. The uoffset is if you wish to explicitly give an offset from the origin for your cuts / slices.
%The type field (the best choice is 'rrr') is to say that all 3 Q axes should be in reciprocal lattice units.
%If you prefer inverse Angstroms then use 'aaa'


%3d volume slice and plot
my_vol=cut_sqw(sqw_file,proj,[0,0.1,8],[2,0.05,6],[-2,-1],[0,10,1000],'-nopix');%Makes a Q,Q,E volume plot
%the -nopix option ensures that the output is a "d3d", which takes less memory on your computer

plot(my_vol);%default style plot of the 3d volume - opens a new sliceomatic window


%2d slice and plot
my_slice=cut_sqw(sqw_file,proj,[0,0.1,8],[4,5],[-2,-1],[0,10,10000]);%Make as Q,E slice
%this time we did not use the nopix option, so the output is an "sqw", in which all contributing detector pixel information is retained

plot(my_slice);%default style plot of 2d slice

%Customise the slice plot:

%Make axes tight

%Default style smoothing (notice conversion to d2d first, since smoothing of sqw objects is not allowed, due to their strong connection to the raw data)

%Smoothing options

%Set colour scale and other axes scales in script:
lz 0 0.5; %colour scale
ly 50 250
lx -1.5 1.5

%Reset a limit

%Make a plot, and retain the figure window so that the next plot appears in a new window, and does not replace this one


%1d cut


plot(my_cut1);%the lx and ly axes adjustment can be used here too

%Specify the colour, marker and other characteristics of the plot. Note you must set these first, then make the plot
acolor red
amark s

%Overplot another cut on the same set of axes (in this example just the first cut plus a constant):
acolor black
amark o
pp(my_cut1+3); %the pp command overplots a "plot"

%you can overplot a line using "pl", just markers using "pm", just errorbars using "pe".


%Taking a cut from a cut (CAN GIVE BIG SPEED SAVINGS):

%If you have a volume or slice, you can take a lower dimensional cut from it. Because the data are already in memory this
%is much faster than going back to the data file on disk

%note you do not need to specify all 4 axes, because some (in this case 2) have already been integrated
%the empty array [] specifies that you want to keep the same binning as that used in my_slice