% Example script to fit Gd2Pt2O7 SpinW model to two 1d cuts through the
% data.
% ============
% Russell Ewings - 20/5/2020
% Ross Stewart - 13/07/2022
%% Fitting with Spinw - 2 simultaneous 1d cuts
sqw_gpo = 'gpo_1p6.sqw'; % 1.6 meV LET data - powder averaged
Ei = 1.6; % incident energy
dE = 0.03; % energy resolution (average) from PyChop
dQ = 0.01; % Q-resolution estimate
s = rng(1); % random number seed, so that you get the same result each time
% Fitting parameters - Model is 3 Js on the pyrochlore lattice + dipolar +
% anisotropy (fixed)
scalefac=0.064; % intensity scale factor
J = [4.92, 0.11, 0.01, 0.0]; % exchange guess values
D = 3.52; % single ion anisotropy
muR = 1.4; % sample self attenuation
bg = 0.14; % background
%Take first 1d cut along the energy axis
Qrange1=[0.2,0.3]; %note down the Q range for integration, as we need to pass this to the simulating / fitting function
%check for NaNs in cut
ok = ~isnan(gpo_cut_Q1.s);
%create IX dataset (is this really necessary)
%Take a second 1d cut along the energy axis
Qrange2=[0.4,0.5]; %note down the Q range for integration, as we need to pass this to the simulating / fitting function
%check for NaNs in cut
ok = ~isnan(gpo_cut_Q2.s);
%create IX dataset (is this really necessary)
% run multifit on both datasets
gpo_fit = multifit([gpo_IX1d_Q1,gpo_IX1d_Q2]);
gpo_fit = gpo_fit.set_mask('remove',[0.43,0.5]);
gpo_fit = gpo_fit.set_local_foreground;
gpo_fit = gpo_fit.set_fun(@spinw_gpo_1dfit);
gpo_fit = gpo_fit.set_pin({{[scalefac,J,D,muR,bg],Qrange1,Ei,dE,dQ,s},...
gpo_fit = gpo_fit.set_free([0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0]);
gpo_fit = gpo_fit.set_bind({{2,[2,1]},{3,[3,1]},{4,[4,1]},{7,[7,1]}});
gpo_fit = gpo_fit.set_options('list',1);
[wfit,fitdata] = gpo_fit.fit();
% Plot data with fit over the top ("ploc" means plot line over current in
% Horace)
acolor black
acolor red
acolor black
acolor red