Getting started

In order to get going with Horace we suggest that you take a little time to familiarise yourself with the program. To aid this we have created the following step-by-step guide that takes you through the process of converting SPE files into a format useable by Horace, and then shows you how to do different kinds of plot, how to manipulate your data, and finally how to simulate and fit your data. To do this we will refer to the demonstration files included in


which relate to a real experiment to investigate spin excitations in Fe using the MAPS spectrometer at ISIS.

Before starting you must first run the setup_demo_data function from the demo folder which will take a few minutes to generate a number of .nxspe files which will be used during the demo.

Creating an SQW file

The first step in using Horace is to make your dataset from all of your relevant SPE files. How this works depends somewhat on the properties of your computer, specifically the amount of memory available, and is dealt with here.

On most machines (those with <10GB RAM) the dataset is written to a new file with the extension .sqw, and intermediate .tmp files, which contain axes projection information, are written as Horace combines the data. For cases where large amounts of memory are available then the creation of .tmp files can be unnecessary and the .sqw file can be created directly (see advanced use).

Once you have created your .sqw file and are happy with it then you can delete these intermediate .tmp files, although it is generally a good idea to keep for a few days them unless disk space is a problem, in case you wish to re-generate your .sqw file.


If you have an old-style data file, then in addition to your data there is one other file that is required – the parameter (.par) file for the instrument that you used to collect the data. This file has the extension .par, and is not the same as a .phx file. For more recent .nxspe files, this is included in the .nxspe itself.

The .par file for the instrument you used to generate your data can be obtained from the instrument scientist. It is important that you have the correct version of this file for the configuration of the instrument as it was when you used it (much like for the .phx file).


If you try to use a .phx file with Horace you will just get an error message!


Let’s now run through a simple example. To do this we’ll need some example .spe files and a .par file. The script file containing all of the commands described below is located in:


This example goes through using old-style .spe files, you may not need to provide a separate .par file for your experiment, in which case the par argument can be left as the empty string ('').


First we need to tell Horace where the .spe files are, so we write:

indir = '<horace_root>\demo\';

We also need to know where the .par file is, and where the .sqw file that we’re making is going to go:

par_file = '<horace_root>\demo\demo_par.par';
sqw_file = '<horace_root>\demo\demo_fe_sqw.sqw;'

Next we need to specify the (fixed) incident energy that was used and the geometry of the spectrometer. In this case all of the data were taken using \(E_{i} = 787 \textrm{meV}\) on a direct geometry spectrometer, so we have:

efix = 787;
emode = 1;

If we were using an indirect geometry spectrometer then we would have written

emode = 2;

We cannot combine data from different spectrometers, so emode is always either 1 or 2.

If we had used multiple incident energies then we would have made efix a vector whose length was the number of .spe files we wish to combine and whose elements were the incident energy for each .spe file.

We now need to tell Horace the lattice parameters of the sample:

alatt = [2.87, 2.87, 2.87];
angdeg = [90, 90, 90];
  • alatt, which can be a row vector or a column vector, gives the lattice parameters \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\).

  • angdeg, which can also be a row vector or a column vector, gives the lattice angles \(\alpha\), \(\beta\), and \(\gamma\).

Then we need to specify the orientation of the crystal with respect to the incident beam and the spectrometer. We do this by specifying the scattering plane with two orthogonal vectors:

u = [1, 0, 0];
v = [0, 1, 0];

The vector \(\vec{u}\) defines the direction in the \([h,k,l]\) frame of the incident beam (so in the above example the crystal’s \([1,0,0]\) direction is parallel to the incident beam). The vector \(\vec{v}\) may be perpendicular to \(\vec{u}\) (although it does not have to be) and lies in the equatorial plane of the spectrometer (i.e. the horizontal plane on MERLIN and MAPS). Thus the cross product of \(\vec{u}\) and \(\vec{v}\) should point up/down the sample stick.

If after your experiment you realise that your crystal was not aligned how you thought it was, all is not lost! Horace allows you to specify some virtual goniometer angles which tell the program how to convert the supplied (incorrect) co-ordinate frame \(\vec{u}\) and \(\vec{v}\) to the real one. Of course you should make every effort to ensure your sample was correctly aligned, in which case you write

omega = 0;
dpsi = 0;
gl = 0;
gs = 0;

The definitions of these angles are best described with reference to the picture below:

Virtual goniometer angle definitions

In this diagram the nominal vectors \(\vec{u}\) and \(\vec{v}\) are those supplied to Horace, whereas \(\vec{u'}\) and \(\vec{v'}\) are the actual vectors. gl and gs deal with misorientation about axes which lie in the spectrometer’s equatorial plane, whereas dpsi deals with misorientations about a vector perpendicular to this plane. omega is the angle by which the gs axis is rotated compared to the nominal vector \(\vec{u}\).

In principle this means that you could put a single crystal with unknown orientation into the spectrometer and conduct your experiment. However this is not a good idea, because the direction about which you rotate your crystal may not be optimal for you to get all of the data that you want to, since the detectors do not cover \(4 \pi\) steradians.

Now we’ve told Horace about the setup of the spectrometer we can go on to specify how our experiment was conducted and which .spe files will contribute to our dataset.

Suppose, as is the case here, we want to combine 24 .spe files, and that the angle psi was different for each one. psi is a vector, which in this case has 24 elements. We could write it out explicitly, however in our example we took data in equal steps of psi between 0 degrees and -23 degrees (1 degree steps), so we can use a Matlab trick:

nfiles = 24;
psi = linspace(0,-(nfiles-1),nfiles);

Horace needs to know the name of all 24 .spe files. To do this they are combined into a single object – a cell array, which is a Matlab data format you can read about in the Matlab help. In this case each element of the cell array is a string which specifies the location of our .spe files. We could write this out explicitly, however in this example the .spe files are numbered sequentially, so we can take another shortcut:

for i=1:length(psi)


Filenames are case-insensitive on Windows, but will be case sensitive on *NIX machines.

The first line creates an empty cell array the right size to take our 24 file strings. Inside the for loop the i th element of the cell array is a string specifying where the i th .spe file is located. So the 5th element of the cell array spe_file is:

spe_file{5} = '<horace_root>\demo\demo_data\MAP11022.SPE';

We are now ready to make our .sqw file! This is done by a single function:

gen_sqw(spe_file, par_file, sqw_file, efix, emode, alatt, angdeg, u, v, psi, omega, dpsi, gl, gs);

If everything has worked then the Matlab command window will show text like this, which will be updated when each successive .spe file is read from the disk.

The command window display during gen_sqw


The above screenshot was created when processing a larger number of files from the same dataset that was used for this demo. The only practical difference this makes is to the size of errorbars in 1d cuts, the time taken to process the data, and some of the on-screen printouts.

Further through the process you should see something like this:

The command window display during gen_sqw


This was run on a Linux machine, hence the different style of directory name and appearance of the Matlab window.

Horace will now run for some time generating the .sqw file. This can be quite a long time, and depends quite a lot on how much memory your computer has and its processor speed.


It is probably best at this stage just to leave your computer to run and go for a coffee!


As a rough guide: 150 .spe files, each of 105MB, would be combined on a machine with 4GB of RAM (with its 3GB switch enabled) and a speed of 2.5GHz in about 2 hours.

For this demo the data files have purposely been made much smaller (by using only the low angle detector banks on MAPS, and by only including a limited number of energy bins in the .spe files). Each .spe file is about 18MB, and thus it takes about 8 minutes to process all of the data. If all is well messages will be frequently printed to the Matlab command window to let you know the status of your .sqw file generation.

Data visualisation

Now that we’ve made our .sqw file the next step is to see what the data look like. The first thing to do is to tell the program where the .sqw file is located:

data_source = '<horace_root>\demo\demo_fe_sqw.sqw';

which is of course the location of the .sqw file we created in the previous section.

Now we have to define the projection axes for our data visualization. The projection information is contained in a data object, which in this case we are calling proj_100. These are chosen to define the normalization (so they must be unit vectors). There are also other pieces of information that can be provided about the projection, but these will be dealt with later. So we have:

proj_100 = line_proj([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]);

You can choose any set of axes to make cuts and visualise your data - you are not limited to the projection axes of the crystal with respect to the spectrometer.


This is one of the main advantages of using Horace to visualise your data!

Finally, we need to know if we are defining our projection axes relative to some offset. This vector has 3 or 4 components, since we could offset in energy as well as the 3 components of Q:



proj_100 = line_proj([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]);

We now have all the information needed to make any kind of cut we like. Let’s start by making a 2D slice:

w100_2 = cut(data_source, proj_100, [-0.2, 0.2], 0.05, [-0.2, 0.2], [0, 0, 500]);
Matlab window during cutting

This slice has as its axes \([0,1,0]\) and energy. The first two arguments in the function cut_sqw are where the data is on the computer, and the details of the projections.

The next four arguments give either the integration range or the step size of each component of Q and energy.

In this example we are integrating between \(-0.2\) and \(0.2\) r.l.u. in the \([1,0,0]\) component, and between \(-0.2\) and \(0.2\) in the \([0,0,1]\) component.

The slice axes are \([0,0,1]\) whose step size is \(0.05\) r.l.u., and energy whose step size is the existing step size in the file.


Here, we’ve specified the energy step size differently from the \([0,0,1]\) step size, by providing just a scalar value, which specifies the step size.

  • If a scalar is used in this way then the whole range of data along that axis will be plotted.

  • If a vector of the form [low,step,high] is used then only data within the range low -> high will be plotted, with step size given by step

For more info see: cutting.

This creates a new object containing that particular slice of data. To plot it, we write:

2d cut from the data

The ranges of the axes are not quite right, but we can easily change that:

lx 1 3 ly 0 150 lz 0 1
2d cut from data, with plot axes modified

This makes the horizontal axis go from 1 to 3, the vertical axis from 0 to 150, and the colour scale go from 0 to 1.

If we wanted to make a 1D cut through the data then the syntax is exactly the same. For example:

w100_1 = cut(data_source, proj_100, [-0.2, 0.2], 0.05, [-0.2, 0.2], [60, 70]);
lx 1 3 ly 0.2 0.8
1d cut

would give us a cut along the \([0,k,0]\) axis at a constant energy of \(65meV\).

3D slices are also possible. To visualize these the “sliceomatic” program is used. When the plot command is executed a GUI is launched that allows you to plot multiple slices through the data. For example you could plot the same slice with x and y axes of (1,0,0) and (0,1,0) at a range of energies.

Sliceomatic in action

It is possible to save your cuts / slices to be viewed again later. This can be done very simply in two ways. If you add an extra argument to the end of cut, then the cut data are sent to a file. For our 1D cut above this would be:

cut_file = '<horace_root>\demo\plots\w100_1.sqw';

w100_1b = cut(data_source, proj_100, [-0.2, 0.2], 0.05, [-0.2, 0.2], [60, 70], cut_file);

Now if we want to read this in again at some later time all we need to do is type:

w100_1b = sqw(cut_file);
lx 1 3; ly 0.2 0.8

Alternatively you can store the cut data in the Matlab workspace, simply by typing:

w100_1b = cut(data_source, proj_100, [-0.2, 0.2], 0.05, [-0.2, 0.2], [60, 70]);

Note, however, that the variable w100_1b will only be stored in the Matlab workspace, so it could easily be overwritten, or lost if you quit Matlab without save ing your workspace.

save(w100_1b, cut_file);

As we stated above, the objects that you created using the basic cut commands are all sqw s. These are the generic objects dealt with in Horace and can represent data that is 0- to 4-dimensional. The sqw objects contain information about the contributing pixels to the cut, which allow for example resolution corrections to be applied when you analyse your data.

However in some instances, you may not wish to retain this information, for example if you are dealing with lots of large 4-dimensional objects and are worried about running out of space, or if you do not intend to use the pixel information.

w100_2_nopixels = cut(data_source, proj_100, [-0.2, 0.2], 0.05, [-0.2, 0.2], [0, 0, 500], '-nopix');


w100_1d = cut(w100_2, 0.05, [60, 70], '-nopix');

where w100_2 is the 2-dimensional sqw object created earlier.

If you make a cut to create an object that is 2-dimensional, but with no pixel information, then it becomes a new type of object – in this case a d2d.


If the cut would create a 1D object then it is known as a d1d, and so on up to 4D. This class of objects is known collectively as dnd s.


Once you have cut an object without pixels and created a dnd it is not possible to recover the object with pixels from this. Instead the original data must be re-read/re-cut in order to recover the pixel data.

Most operations that apply to sqw objects can be applied to dnd objects, e.g. the command plot applies to both kinds of data. The most notable difference applies to using simulate and fit on data (c.f. Multifit).

Basic data manipulation

Horace allows you to manipulate your data in many different ways.

It is important to realise that there are essentially 3 different kinds of function, each with a slightly different syntax:

  1. A function which takes an existing data set and transforms it in some way, returning the transformed dataset.


An example of this would be dividing the entire dataset by the Bose factor.

  1. A function which takes a number of input vectors, corresponding to the axes of the desired output object, performing a mathematical operation on these ranges returning an n-dimensional output.


An example of this would be a function called something like gauss_2d which takes two vectors that specify a grid in (Q,E)-space and some parameter, and returns a 2D grid with an intensity modeled by a Gaussian.

  1. A function which operates on a model of S(Q,E), one which takes the values of h,k,l and E for a particular dataset and applies a transformation to each point.


An example of this would be calculating a dispersion relation, for a simple harmonic oscillator response function.

With the above options in mind, let’s demonstrate two different kinds of data manipulation of the first type discussed above.

  1. We will simulate the background for a 2D slice by looking at the signal at high \(|\textbf{Q}|\) in a 1D cut and then replicating it into 2D and subtracting from the real data.

  2. We’ll then demonstrate correcting the data for the Bose-Einstein thermal population factor.


First create a new 2D slice and save to file:

cut_file = '<horace_root>\demo\w110.sqw';

cut(data_source, proj_110, [-0.2,0.2], [1,0.05,5], [-0.2,0.2], [0,0,150], cut_file);

w110 = sqw(cut_file);

Now make a 1D cut out of this slice along the energy axis, with the integration range along \([0, 1, 0]\) of 4.8 to 5:

wbackcut = cut(w110, 1, [4.8, 5]);

Next make a new 2D slice by replicating the 1D cut along one of the integration axes:

wback = replicate(wbackcut, w110);


Here we are passing w110 as the 2D template object to expand the slice we just made to the same shape.

2d cut made by replicating a 1d cut

This is a now 2D slice that is over the same range as w110. We can now subtract this from the real data to remove the background:

wdiff = w110 - wback;
Background-subtracted data


It is not only possible to plot and manipulate data, it is also possible to simulate an entire dataset, or parts of a dataset.

We will illustrate this option using two examples, one that gives a quartet of Gaussian profile peaks, and another that simulates the intensity from a Heisenberg ferromagnet.

Gaussian Profile Peaks

It is often the case that you do not have a full model of S(Q,E), but rather you just want to determine how a particular peak changes with, for example, temperature or neutron energy transfer.

An example would be to monitor the positions and intensities of a quartet peaks.

We can generate a slice from our demo data by typing:

w_template = cut(data_source, proj_100, [-0.4, 0.2], [0, 0.05, 3], [-0.5, 0.05, 3], [30, 40]);

This should give a plot that looks like this:

2d data

We will now simulate this using the demonstration function demo_4gauss. This is a specially written function which works only for 2D datasets (slices) where both axes are momentum (h,k,l).

Read through the code in:


to see if you can understand how the function works.

It is a far from simple task to write a function that is completely general for any dimensionality of dataset, so you typically write functions such as this that work only for a particular dimensionality. It is important, therefore, for your own book-keeping, that you give the functions sensible names that reflect both what they do and what sort of dataset they apply to.

Now let’s run the function, here we will use func_eval.

The syntax for functions called by this routine is slightly different:

w_sim = func_eval(w_template, @demo_4gauss, [6 1 1 0.1 1.25 6 1]);

The arguments in the square parentheses are the function inputs, and in this case they correspond respectively to:

  • amplitude

  • satellite position x-coordinate

  • satellite y-coordinate

  • central position x-coordinate

  • central y-coordinate

  • background


In general the input to a function called by func_eval can take any form (e.g. a cell array, a structure array, a string, etc.), although if you wish to pass anything other than a vector of parameters, such as that shown above, then it must be packed into a cell array.

2d simulation


func_eval works for both sqw and dnd objects with almost the same syntax.


For sqw objects, the function is applied to the calculated bin averages of the data. dnd objects only contain the computed bin averages.

It is also possible to simulate a dnd from a template sqw object by using an additional keyword argument 'all' as follows:

dnd_sim = func_eval(w_template, @demo_4gauss, [6 1 1 0.1 1.25 6 1], 'all');

Furthermore one can use the 'all' keyword argument with a template dnd object so that intensity is simulated over the entire data range, rather than just at the points where there are data in the template object.

3D Heisenberg Ferromagnet

In this case we will be fitting a full model of S(Q,E), using sqw_eval.


The difference between sqw_eval and func_eval is the way in which the arguments are passed to the target function. sqw_eval passes the positions (h,k,l,e) for each point, while func_eval passes the computed bin averages.

The function we will use to demonstrate here is a model appropriate for spin excitations of a 3D Heisenberg ferromagnet; it is called FM_spinwaves_2dSlice_sqw, and it takes as inputs the components of Q (h,k,l) plus energy, as well as other function parameters (exchange constant etc.).

Please take a look at the code of the example function by typing:

edit FM_spinwave_2dSlice_sqw

into the Matlab terminal.

You should notice that the format of the inputs for this function are thus different from those of demo_4gauss – to see the differences it is easiest to examine the code for the two functions side-by-side.

Tun call the function we run:

w_sim = sqw_eval(w_template, @FM_spinwaves_2dSlice_sqw, [300 0 2 10 2]);

The similar syntax makes it easier to remember how to apply general functions, while the sqw_eval vs. func_eval allows us to define specialised and flexible functions for computing transformations of our data.


In general it is better to use func_eval for simple functions such as Gaussians and so on, and sqw_eval for “proper” models of the scattering.


As before, the keyword 'all' can be added to the arguments of this function, however in this case it is ignored if the object w_template is an sqw object.

If w_template is a dnd object then, as for func_eval, the keyword 'all' ensures that data are simulated over the entire data range.


As with func_eval, the parameters passed to the function can either take the form of a vector of numerical parameters, or a cell array comprising any other form of input.


In this example we will look at the generalised application function apply.

apply is a somewhat advanced function which requires some knowledge of the underlying sqw object structure but allows us to apply arbitrary functions affecting more than just the signal to an object in a concise and flexible manner.

For this example we will be applying a Bose population correction, first we define the function:

\[s' = \left(1 - \mathrm{e}^{ \frac{\sigma{}E}{T} }\right) s\]

where \(s\) is the signal intensity, \(T\) is temperature, \(E\) is is the energy, and \(\sigma = -11.6044\)

function pix = bose_population(pix, T)
   pix.signal = pix.signal .* (1 - exp(-11.6044 .* pix.dE ./ T))

Here we can see that this function takes pix as an argument which is the PixelData object which contains all of the pixel information that underlies the sqw object. We are directly transforming the signal of the pixels with respect to E and the other input variable T (temperature)

We can then simply apply the function to transform the underlying data of the sqw.

w_apply = w_template.apply(@bose_population, {50})

This subsequently evaluates the correction with a temperature of 50.


Because the apply function is a somewhat low-level function, and it can take multiple functions as arguments (as a cell-array of function handles) and thus multiple sets of arguments, arguments are always passed as cell-arrays or cell-arrays of cell-arrays in the case of multiple functions.


You can also use Horace to fit parameters to your data. Since this a more complicated subject, for an introduction and overview of how to use the fitting functions, please read Fitting data.


For comprehensive help with anything in this guide, please use the Matlab documentation for the various fitting functions that can be obtained by using the doc command, for example doc d1d/multifit (for fitting function like Gaussians to d1d objects) or doc sqw/multifit_sqw (fitting models for S(Q,w) to sqw objects).