
Sphinx extension for creating cross-reference links to arbitrary inline text


Have you ever tried to create a cross-reference to a specific bullet point? Or a hyperlink to a line of a literal block? Or in any other way attempted to refer to an arbitrary part of the document? If yes, you have probably run into a wall, because in sphinx the only way to designate a target to link to via :ref: is a directive:

.. _my-ref:: my_label

* list

which means that links can be created only to higher-level elements, like headings, figures, entire lists, paragraphs, etc. However, this extension removes that limitation by providing a role for creating targets for links.

What can it do?


This extension provides a new domain (:iref:) which exposes four roles that can be used anywhere in text:

  • :iref:ref: which works similar to the sphinx :ref: role, but works with (only) the other new roles.

  • :iref:target: which is a role version of the sphinx .. _ref:: and so can be used anywhere.

  • :iref:backlink: which is similar to :iref:target:, but it additionally creates a link to each :iref:ref: that links to it.

  • :iref:mref: which must be used twice and creates a set of 2 mutually linked hyperlinks.

Output Formats

Presently, the following output formats are supported:

  • HTML5

  • Text

  • LaTeX


  • Cross-reference hyperlink creation across pages (LaTeX currently not supported, see sphinx #12063

  • Parallel-write safe
