Welcome to AbINS Tutorials!
This site collects some tutorials for advanced users of the AbINS programs for simulation of inelastic neutron scattering phonon spectra.
The code is available from https://github.com/pace-neutrons/abins-tutorials : the “source” folder contains this documentation, while the other folders contain demonstration programs and some reference data.
The demonstration programs are designed to be somewhat useful
interactively: try running them with the “--help” option
(e.g. mlip_phonopy/mlip_phonopy.py --help
) to see available
options. You should be able to point them at your own structure files
and have them do something useful — but the more important goal is to
demonstrate principles and code idioms highlighted in the tutorials.
Other documentation
The basic documentation for the AbINS algorithms is found on the Mantid website:
with some further details in the “concepts” section
The academic reference for AbINS is the research paper in Physica B. [1]