Download and setup

System Requirements

  • Windows 64-bit, or Linux 64-bit operating system

  • Plenty of free disk space in order to cope with the combined data files (> 30GB)

  • 16GB RAM or more. Horace will run on a machine with 4 or 8Gb memory, but may be quite slow and may not be able to process newer larger datasets.

  • Preferably a recent version of Matlab. Horace is not tested on releases of Matlab older than R2018b. However, if you require Horace to run on older versions of Matlab, and encounter problems, please open a ticket on GitHub or write e-mail to Horace support team and we will try to help you.


Horace releases for supported operating systems are available to download on GitHub here. These packages contain pre-compiled mex libraries for each OS.

The released and packaged Horace distribution contains both Horace and its support Herbert library of low-level graphics and data manipulation routines. If you need to run the latest development version you need to download these two programs separately (see below).

Installation Instructions

To install Horace you should ideally have the administrative rights. To install Horace:

  1. Extract the release archive to your preferred location.

  2. Open Matlab and change to the admin folder under that location.

  3. Run horace_install. Under Unix, where Matlab GUI may not always run with root privileges go to the admin folder under the package folder and run Matlab from the command line as: sudo matlab -nosplash -nodesktop -r horace_install

  4. Now you can call horace_on from anywhere to start using Horace.


  1. To have Horace available each time you start your Matlab session, you can add horace_on to your start-up file: Launch Matlab from your home folder or GUI and type >> edit startup.m. Then add horace_on(); to the end of the file.

If you do not have administrative access, the installation would still be possible, and should work as described. You may encounter problems with parallel extensions and not be able to initialize Horace if Matlab is launched from a folder different from Matlab’s userpath folder. See the Troubleshooting section below for details of the installation process in this situation.

If you want to install the latest development version of Horace, you should first clone the Horace and Herbert git repositories. You can then use the horace_install script in the admin subfolder of the Horace repository, giving it the path to where Horace and Herbert were cloned. Horace should work after the install script is run but to improve performance of some common Horace operations, you may need to build the mex files yourself. Currently mex files for Windows are stored in the repository, but this may not always be the case in future. You will need to build mex files for other operating systems.

Horace Configuration

Horace uses configuration files to store its settings and to tune its behaviour and performance. Horace tries to guess the best performance for your machine, but you should check if the configuration it selects is indeed optimal for you.

You can access the settings using the hor_config class.

>> hor_config

This will print the current Horace configuration. Descriptions for each option with suggestions for configuring are given below:

>> hc = hor_config()

hc =

hor_config with properties:
   % The buffer size for read/write IO operations in filebased algorithms.
   % (in Horace pixel units)
   % Set it up to ~20M if you machine has 64Gb or RAM, 1M for 4Gb machine.
   mem_chunk_size: 1000000 % optimal value for 32Gb RAM machine
   % The number of OMP threads to use in `mex` routines. This should be equal to
   % the number of physical cores on your machine.
   threads: 16
   % Ignore NaN data when making cuts (true or false)
   ignore_nan: 1  % (default)
   % Ignore Inf data when making cuts (true or false)
   ignore_inf: 0  % (default)
   % The verbosity of informational log messages:
   %  -1 - Display no logging
   %   0 - Display major logging information
   %   1 - Display minor and major logging information
   %   2 - Display all logging messages, including timing information
   log_level: -1
   % Make use of `mex` libraries (true or false). Make it true if `mex` routines are available.
   use_mex: 1
   % Automatically delete temporary files generated by sqw generation (true or false)
   % set it to false, if you are building your sqw files using write_nsqw_to_sqw directly
   delete_tmp: 1
   % The directory to place temporary files during sqw generation
   working_directory: 'C:\temp'
   % Throw an error if a `mex` library cannot be used (true or false) [debugging option]
   force_mex_if_use_mex: 1
   % Reference to Horace's high performance configuration
   high_perf_config_info: [1×1 hpc_config]

Use the usual Matlab syntax to set configuration values:

hc.(property_name) = value;

High Performance Computing Configuration

If your have a large machine with multiple cores, fast hard drive connected to parallel file system and large memory, you may benefit from using Horace’s parallel computing extensions. The memory necessary to make parallel extensions useful may be estimated as 32Gb per main session and 16 per each parallel worker as minimum, so if you want to use 4 parallel processes productively, your machine should have 96Gb of RAM.

The hpc command can be used to enable/disable parallel computing options, as well as provide suggested settings for the current system.

>> hpc;     % display the suggested configuration based on the current system
>> hpc on   % enable parallel computing
>> hpc off  % disable parallel computing

For finer grained control over things like: number of parallel workers, use of mex routines and which functions are performed in parallel, use the hpc_config class.

>> help hpc_config


If you used a release archive, then both Horace and Herbert will be in the same folder (called <extracted_folder> below) with horace_install and this script can be called with no arguments (it will automatically detect the folders).

The horace_install installation script then modifies three files:

by inserting the location of the Horace and Herbert folders into these files, and copies them to a folder (<extracted_folder>/ISIS by default) which it adds to the Matlab path by modifying the global pathdef.m file. This means that all Matlab session including independent parallel workers have access to this path from any location where Matlab has been started. Unfortunately, this requires administrative (root) privileges.

It is possible to install Horace without admin rights, in which case the horace_install script will create a pathdef.m file in the default userpath folder (as defined in the Matlab documentation for search paths). Some versions of Matlab, however, use different userpath folders if they are started as a parallel worker, which may lead the parallel extensions to fail because they cannot find the worker_v2.m file, but not to report any errors. In these cases, you should run Matlab from the userpath folder (e.g. the folder with the pathdef.m file).

If instead of using the release packages you’ve cloned the Horace and Herbert repositories, then you should still run horace_install which is located in the admin subfolder of the Horace repository folder. However, you should now give the exact path to the Horace and Herbert folders using the horace_root and herbert_root arguments:

horace_install('herbert_root', 'path/to/herbert', ...
               'horace_root', 'path/to/horace', ...
               'init_folder', 'path/to/horace_on');