Download and Setup Trouble-Shutting

Installation script assumes that you have unpacked instillation archive in a folder of your choice or cloned Github Horace and Herbert repositories in such folder one near another. In the first case, you will run the horace_install script from the folder where the archive is unpacked. In the second – from *Horace/admin* directory. If you file layout is different, pleas run the installation script with the parameters, which specify the location of the Horace and Herbert folders (see install_horace help on how to do this), and ensure that *Horace/admin* and *Herbert/admin* folders contains all necessary templates described below.

Installation process modifies three files, namely horace_on.m.template, herbert_on.m.template and worker_v2.m.template by renaming them to horace_on.m, herbert_on.m and worker_v2.m and inserting the location of the Horace and Herbert packages (package installation folder – the place where you have unpacked these packages) into these files. herbert_on and horace_on files contain the scripts, used to initialize Herbert and Horace correspondingly. horace_on also executes herbert_on if herbert_on has not been executed earlier. worker_v2 script is used by Horace parallel extensions to initialize Horace from independent parallel workers communicating over MPI.

After initialization, the installation script copies modified horace_on.m hebert_on and worker_v2.m files to package installation folder/ISIS folder, and adds the package installation folder/ISIS folder to the Matlab search path, defined by pathdef.m file. The pathdef.m is normally located in $MATLABROOT/toolbox/local directory. If you run the installation script under administrative account, the original pathdef.m file is modified and all Matlab session including independent parallel workers have access to this path from any location where Matlab has been started.

If you do not have write access to the pathdef.m file, the script stores modified copy of the file in the Matlab $USERPATH directory. This directory is available and inserted in the beginning Matlab search path modifying Matlab default search path if you start your Matlab session from the link in the OS GUI or from this directory. Some versions of Matlab would not use the same $USERPATH directory if you start main Matlab or Matlab parallel workers from other location. This may make horace_on and worker_v2 scripts not available. Parallel extensions in this case do not report any errors, but would not work. To avoid difficult to identify errors, always modify original pathdef.m file, i.e. run Horace installation with administrative access.