Horace: visualising and manipulating S(Q,w) measured in all four dimensions

Horace is a suite of programs for the visualisation and analysis of large datasets from time-of-flight neutron inelastic scattering spectrometers. The theory behind, and application of, Horace has been published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. It is freely available online here, from where you can also download a pdf copy under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Please cite this paper if you have used Horace in your research. More details about citing Horace can be found here.

If you have problem using or installing Horace, found bug or have other questions related to Horace, please contact our team, and somebody will come back and try to help you answering your question.

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How to use Horace

Horace Manual

Example scripts

Citing Horace

For Developers

Indices and tables